Venue: Laxmi Devi Auditorium
Date & Time: 17th February, 2024, 02:00 pm to 05:00 pm

Youth Parliament is a program designed to provide young people with an opportunity to engage in a simulated parliamentary or legislative experience. It is essentially a mock or imitation of a real parliamentary setup, where students, often at the undergraduate or postgraduate level, take on roles as Members of Parliament (MP) or legislators. It typically comprises of debates, propose legislation, Q/A session, public speaking, etc.

Rules for Youth Parliament

  1. Topics:
    1. Relevance of New Education Policy in contemporary education system.
    1. Artificial Intelligence and the future of earth.
  2. Participant/ Eligibility: UG and PG students can participate in the Youth Parliament. Only one entry consisting of 2 participant per institute is allowed.
  3. Registration Process: The link for google form will be on JIMMC website.
  4. Briefing: Prior to the Youth Parliament session, JIMMC will hold a short discussion with participants to brief them about the important points of parliamentary proceedings. The session will be divided in two parts (first half for topic A and second half for the topic B).
  5. Reporting time: 01:00 PM at Seminar Hall (Jagran College Basement)
  6. Dress Code: Formals

Do’s and Don’ts for the participants in the Youth Parliament Competitions:

  1. The teams will be divided in the following format:
Member 1Topic ATopic B
Member 2Topic BTopic A
  • The institutions and students participating in the Youth Parliament Competitions should bear in mind that this scheme is a unique one. It is aimed to make these Youth Parliaments as the nurseries of future parliamentarians. If rightly implemented and its organisers are imbued with a sense of duty and dedication, it is likely to pay rich dividends in the shape of all round improvement in our national character and outlook. The aspect should always be kept in view while the institutions volunteer themselves for participation in these competitions.
  • It should not be forgotten that democracy offers political methods by which every citizen has the opportunity of participating through discussion and debates in an attempt to reach a voluntary agreement as to what should be done for the good of the community as a whole. It precludes the method of arriving at a decision on social policy in the streets as these are the ways of mobocracy and not of democracy. Thus the scheme of Youth Parliament would help to start a movement amongst students to channelize their energy into healthy and constructive activities so that they may become useful citizens of tomorrow.
  • These Youth Parliaments have been prepared as a model and not the imperfect copy of the modern legislatures.
  • Two most important parts of the list of business of a ‘Youth Parliament’ are the ‘Questions’ and the ‘Debate’ or ‘Discussion’. During Question Hour, the judges are likely to be impressed by quality of questions asked and the quality of replies given by the Ministers. During the Debate or Discussions, they particularly look for the standard of Debate and the quality of expression.
  • The participants should scrupulously avoid mention of the existing political parties and political personalities in the country. They should give imaginary or fictitious names to their parties and personalities. They should not give any impression that they have any leanings or bias for or against any political party or philosophy.
  •  The participants should show utmost respect to the Chair. They should abide by the decisions of the Chair and should have faith in his impartiality and judgement.
  • Every member while coming to the House for its sitting should bow to the Chair and similarly while leaving the chamber bow to the Chair.
  • A member should never cross the floor while the House is sitting i.e. he should never pass between the Chair and any member who is speaking. Violation of this rule is regarded as a breach of Parliamentary etiquette.
  • Members should not sit with their backs to the Chair. When a member wants to speak he should raise hands to attract the attention of the chair. No member should speak unless he or she has ‘Caught’ the eye of the Speaker and has been permitted by the Chair by name or by a sign, to speak.
  • No member is allowed to clap on the table.  
  • Every member should resume his seat as the Speaker rises to speak or calls out “order” and also when any other member is in possession of the floor. Two or more members should not keep standing at the same time.
  • No member should rise or leave the House when the Speaker is addressing the House. “The Speaker is always to be heard in silence”.
  • A member must not address individual members of the House. He should always address the Chair and make all remarks to other members through the Chair.
  • Members should not distribute within the precincts of the House or inside the legislature questionnaires or pamphlets not connected with the business of the House.
  • The member during participation in the discussion can use either English or Hindi.
  • In short all participants in these Youth Parliaments should so conduct themselves as to inspire respect for Parliament and Parliamentary Institutions.

IMPORTANT: Reporting time 1:00PM at Seminar Hall (Jagran College Basement)